API Requests Parameters

This page summarises the parameters available to make API requests.

You can use the following parameters when requesting data from the Vinter API endpoints.

  • symbol: (string) You use the symbol parameter to specify the specific index or reference rate whose value you want to retrieve. This is the internal Vinter symbol. For a complete list of reference rate symbols you can query the active_single_assets endpoint. To receive a complete list internal index symbols you can query the active_multi_assets endpoint.

  • limit: (integer) This parameter is used to specify the number of records you want to retrieve in a single query. The default value is 1 and the maximum value is 2000.

  • start_time: (string) This parameter is used to specify that you want your received values starting from a specific date and time. When you specify this parameter the received values will always contain the start time value and then the following values moving forward in time. The parameter is used together with the limit parameter. This means that you can only receive a maximum of 2000 values and if you do not specify the limit parameter you will only receive the start time value. The parameter can be specified using three different types of ISOXXX formatted strings.



    • YYYY-MM-DD

When you use the start time parameter, you will always receive your values in ascending order starting with the value closest to the start time value.

  • end_time: (string) This parameter can only be specified together with the start_time parameter. You use this if you do not want values published after the specified end time. If you use the end_time parameter you need to adhere to the following constraints

    • The end_time and start_time parameters cannot be the same.

    • The end_time parameter must be greater than the start_time parameter.

    The parameter can be specified using three different types of ISOXXX formatted strings.



    • YYYY-MM-DD

    When you use the start time parameter, you will always receive your values in ascending order starting with oldest value.

NOTE: There are no parameters or API key required for the active_multi_assets and active_single_assets endpoints. Please visit the endpoint's individual page for more information.

Last updated